Laëtitia Atlani-Duault



Bibliographie sélective

Timothy Frasca, Yves-A. Fauré & Laetitia Atlani-Duault, Decentralisation of Brazil ’s HIV/AIDS programme: intended and unintended consequences, Global Public Health, 2018

Atlani-Duault L, Brown L. and Fried L., The elderly: an invisible population in humanitarian aid, The Lancet, Vol. 3, No 1, January 2018

Laëtitia Atlani-Duault, Un pionnier du troisième sexe social, Socio, 9 | 2017, 37-74

Atlani-Duault L. and Delattre F., 2016, Is Aleppo the Grave of the United Nations?, The Lancet, vol. 388, No10059, p.2473.

Atlani-Duault L., Dozon J.P., Wilson A., Delfraissy J.F, Moatti. JP., State Humanitarian Verticalism versus Universal Health Coverage. One Hundred Years of French International Health Assistance Revisited, The Lancet, Vol 387, pp 2250-62, 2016.

Atlani-Duault L. et al., 2015, Blood Libel Rebooted: Traditional Scapegoats, Online Media, and the H1N1 Epidemic, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, Vol. 39, pp. 43-61.

Rousseau, C., Moreau N., Dumas MP., Bost I., Lefebvre S. and Atlani-Duault L., 2015, Public Media Communications about H1N1, Risk Perceptions and Immunization Behaviours : A Quebec-France Comparison, Public Understanding of Science, vol.24, no2, pp.225-240.

Per il bene degli altri. Antropologia dell’aiuto umanitario, Napoli : Liguori (Napoli : 2015)

Also published in English: Atlani-Duault L., 2007, Humanitarian Aid in Post-Soviet Countries. An Anthropological Perspective. London : Routledge, 160p.

2005, Au bonheur des autres. Anthropologie de l’aide humanitaire. Nanterre : Société d’Ethnologie, 200p (updated edition 2009, Paris : Armand Colin).

And Romanian Pentru binele celorlalti : antropologia ajutorului umanitar, Bucarest: Ed. Olimp, 2007).

Atlani-Duault L. & Dufoix S. (ed)., 2014, Chercheurs à la barre. Les sciences sociales saisies par la justice (Social Sciences Seized by Justice), Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme – Socio, Vol.3, 338p.

Atlani-Duault L. et al., 2013, Behavioural Research in Epidemics, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Vol. 13, pp. 367-368 (L).

Atlani-Duault L. & Vidal L. (ed), 2013, La santé globale; laboratoire de l’aide internationale ? (Global Health: A New Laboratory for International Aid?), Armand Colin – Tiers Monde, Vol. 3, n°215, 164p.

Atlani-Duault L. (ed) (2011) Ethnographies de l’aide (Ethnographies of Aid), special issue, Ethnologie française, Vol. 41, 148 p.

Atlani-Duault L. & Dozon J.P., 2011, Colonization, Development, Humanitarian Aid. Towards an Anthropology of International Aid, Presses Universitaires de France – Ethnologie française, Vol. 41, pp. 393-403.

Atlani-Duault L. & Kendall C., 2009, Influenza, Anthropology, and Global Uncertainties, Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 1545-5882, Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 207-211.

Atlani-Duault L. & L. Vidal (eds), 2009, Anthropologie de l’aide humanitaire et du développement (Anthropology of Humanitarian and Development Aid). Paris: Armand Colin, 360p.

Atlani-Duault L., 2008, Homosexual Repression and AIDS in Post-Soviet Central Asia, In C. Pope and R. White (eds), HIV/AIDS: Stories of a Global Epidemic, London and New York.

Atlani-Duault L. (ed.), 2008, Eclats d’empire, un nouveau sud? Asie centrale  et Transcaucasie (Shattered Empires, a New South? Central Asia and Transcaucasia), Armand Colin – Tiers Monde, Vol. 193, 231 p.

Atlani-Duault L. (ed.), 2007, Anthropologues et ONG: des liaisons fructueuses? (Anthropologists and NGOs: Promising Relations?), special issue, Humanitaire, n°4, 80 p.

Atlani-Duault L. (ed.), 2007, Anthropologues et ONG: des liaisons fructueuses? (Anthropologists and NGOs: Promising Relations?), special issue, Humanitaire, n°4, 80 p.

Atlani-Duault L., 2007, Revolutions clothed in the colors of spring. Exporting democracy to the East, In M. Feher (ed.), Non-Governmental Politics, New York: Zone Books, pp. 586-592.

Atlani-Duault L., 2007, Sur les cendres des révolutions de couleur. Drogues et démocratisation en Asie Centrale, Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 38(1), pp. 29-44.

Atlani-Duault L. (ed.), 2005, Les ONG à l’heure de la « bonne gouvernance » (Anthropologists and NGOs: Promising Relations?), Armand Colin – Autrepart, Vol. 35, 183 p.

Atlani-Duault L., 2003, La ‘bonne gouvernance’, nouvelle éthique du développement ? (“Good governance”: a new development ethic?), Autrepart, 28: 165-179.

Atlani L. et al., 2000, Social Change and HIV/AIDS in the Former Soviet Union : The Making of an Epidemic, Social Science and Medicine, 50:1547-1556.

Atlani L. & Rousseau C., 2000, The Politics of Culture in Humanitarian Aid to Refugees Having Experienced Sexual Violence, Transcultural Psychiatry, Vol.37 (3):435-449, 2000.

Atlani L., 1997, Assistance aux victimes de violences sexuelles dans les camps de réfugiés. Lecture ethnologique des recommandations des agences internationales en matière de soutien psycho-social, Psychopathologie Africaine, 1997, Vol. 28,1:25-53.