Intitulé du projet :

Financialization from below in the global south

Porteur du projet :

Hadrien Saiag
Etablissement porteur :


Etablissements partenaires :

ENS, Dauphine

Axe de l’IRIS Etudes Globales ou projet transversal :

Projet transversal

Résumé du projet :

This project investigates the various forms taken by financialization m the global South, through a dialogue between etlmographic researches carried on in Mexico, Argentina, India, Spain and France. It conceives financialization as the process tlu·ough which people’s financial practices are increasingly connected to the accumulation of financial capital, at a global scale. This phenomenon is considered « from below », by focusing on every-day financial practices carried on by people located at the margin of formai financial systems because of they do not enjoy stable and protected employment. Within PSL, this project involves a collaboration between researchers affiliated to EHESS, ENS and Dauphine. It also actively includes researchers from the IRD and the University of Geneva. Funds are applied in order to finance a seminar and a workshop on financialization, to provide assistance to publication tlu-ough translations and linguistic corrections, to contribute to the project’s visibility at international conferences, and to finance field-works carried-on by PSL researchers.